The Death of Socrates - painting by Jaques - Louise David in 1787.
The painting focuses on the story of execution of Socrates as told by Plato in his Phaedo.
Books by Leszek Figurski
The Courage To Think for Yourself
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Finality and Intelligence
Is the Universe Designed?
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Leszek Figurski, Irena T. Ciszewska God or no God? Forthcoming Publication
Leszek Figurski: Mikołaj Kopernik (łac. Nicolaus Copernicus), Drama in 6 acts, 1972
Leszek Figurski, Finality and Intelligence University Press of America, Inc, 1987, ISBN:0¬8191¬0565¬1
Leszek Figurski, “Final Cause & Its Relation to Intelligence in St. Thomas. Aquinas”, Dissertation,
Fordham University (1977), possibly published in The Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 31, No. 1, Sep., 1977
Leszek Figurski, “Efficient Cause in Immanuel Kant,” Fordham University Press, Bronx, NY 1969 I
Leszek Figurski , “Des Petrus Bekenntniss und Schlussel,” Philosophical Faculty Press, Krakow, Poland 1967
What Readers Are Saying
“We have a mind to think for ourselves and for our own decision making. I agree with the book, The Courage to Think for Yourself, by Leszek Figurski. .A human does not have to live a life for pleasure seeking nor should we live our life on earth for others. We are born with a mind and ability to think for ourselves and make the right choices in life. To live a meaningful and rewarding reflective life a person must develop some qualities and habits necessary in the philosophical search for meaning and truth. It also is a goal and aim towards which we should be moving during our lifetime.”
“Reading the book really made me think. I am a person that does not think very much for myself . I always ask someone what do you think I should do about it? Or what do you think about it. I get manipulated in to doing things I really should not do, nor do I want really to do. I came to realize that I need to start thinking for myself. I started meditation, and It really works. I don’t have anyone now manipulating me anymore. I think now for myself and for my own decision.”
Ch. Ok
“I must begin by saying that this book is a must to read for everyone. I believe the what the author is saying and agree with the view in this book. … It gave me insight and awareness in terms that I realized that certain things in my life have philosophical solution and insight why certain people behave in their ways in life. When I was a small boy, my aunt used to say that my favorite words were what and why always. What is this, what is that and so on. But as Aristotle said already centuries ago that every human being desires to know by nature and seeks answers.”
“Courage to Think for Yourself? Many questions immediately are raised here, and as Socrates would say " an unexamined life is not worth living.” In fact when you think about it you are philosophizing! One of the things that separates humans from other animals is the ability to ask questions like the one mentioned above. Thinking is hard to do and as it turns out we only use small portion of our brain capacity to think. Many people go through life adopting the culture , believes and even religion in their immediate surroundings because it is easy and it requires little effort. Marketers know this and they sell it to us. Oppressive governments know this too and they censure the dissemination of true information, closing off avenue to thought. This is why it is so important to be open minded and evaluate what is being fed into us - otherwise we are directed , manipulated and enslaved by others. “
E. MB.
“To start with, if one does not have the courage to think for oneself one becomes a follower instead of a leader and one gets lost in the everyday mundane existence of just going through life but not really living. Having the courage to think for yourself and to act on those thoughts takes commitment on many levels. You have to take time and think ideas to the end. Only then you can follow your own goals and determine your own conduct in matters which are important for you. The power of independent thinking is what makes us humans and defines humans among other species living on this planet.”
Caithlyn H.
“I found the book: The Courage to Think For Yourself to be extremely awakening. It shines a spotlight on the lack of thought and meaning that most people carry through their lives, including myself at times.
The Courage to Think for Yourself. It is important to reflect once in a while and reevaluate our priorities. We can strengthen our minds by doing so. Often we are so set in our ways that we are like robots, forgetting that we need to give our brains a “tune- up.” There are endless distractions in our day to day lives, most of which are complete nonsense, yet we dedicate our time and energy to these things. It’s important to challenge our-self and question our existence. Reflection allows us to reinvent ourselves in our way of thinking.”
Henry G.
“We indeed do need courage to think because as the author states in the conclusion quite simply : in order for man to realize his own destiny he or she needs the courage to think for himself. This same theme is also mentioned in the Preface of the book: “Passion for truth, determination and courage are inevitable duties of every honest person.” Those statements lay the framework for the reasoning why we need the courage to think for ourselves. The beauty of these statements is that they can be read and interpreted in different ways and different levels. One does not need to be a philosopher to realize that we as humans need to have meaning in our lives, otherwise why should life be worth living at all? It is not until we begin to think for ourselves that we can start our journey to search for truth and fulfill our human destiny.”